To remedy this, I will try to post more here. I know there are very few people who read this blog, but that's fine by me.
To begin this new alternative platform for updates, I wanted to say something about Memorial Day. This day is often taken for granted and many Americans see it as a day off work to barbeque, go to the pool and in general lounge around. While these are great activities, we should always remember why we can do those things. It is because selfless men and women and their families have made tremendous sacrifices for us. In many cases, our soldiers have given the greatest sacrifice of all--they have given their lives for our freedom. They willingly live a life of hardship and separation from their families so that we don't have to, so that we can live in a peaceful and prosperous nation, and so that we don't have to fight terrorism on a personal level. Thank you to all the men and women who give so freely of their time, talents, and lives for our great nation. You're sacrifice does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. I always like to thank my brother for his service in the military and count myself lucky I have someone close in my family I can thank.