Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Running behind

Its been over two months since my last entry. The truth is I started this blog as a hobby for when I had my hip injury and couldn't run, walk, swim, bike, or anything else for that matter. But I've healed up and moved on and now I'm running and biking again. I listened to my body though during that recovery time and I'm glad I did. Though I was out for about 4 months I learned so much about healing and recovery, both the physical and mental components. I found that I would not go crazy if I didn't get a run or ride in, it was just really nice to. I had a lot more time for spiritual reflection and scripture study which I really enjoyed. Now that I'm back to all my normal activities I feel like I'm leaving some important things behind so I'm trying to change that. I haven't watched any TV because really, I don't watch it. It's just noise. Instead I got did the straightening around the house I wanted to do, as well as scripture study. And of course the blog. But there's also casual reading, genealogy, and print journaling I would like to work into my schedule. So I am going to work harder from now on to waste less time and start accomplishing the small little things that define me as a person and help me find balance and clarity in life.

We will see..

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